HHS Educational Essay
HHS Educational Essay
HHS Educational Essay

HHS Educational Essay

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Take home a piece of Huguenot Street with these Educational Essays highlighting prior Exhibits.


Marking the Occasion:

The brochure, Marking the Occasion, was prepared in conjunction with a 2016 exhibit centered on 17th- and 18th-century Dutch silver spoons from the collections of George Way and Jonathan Z. Friedman. The checklist of these ornate and fascinating objects and accompanying remarks were prepared by Kevin Tierney, Silver Consultant for Sotheby’s. The brochure also includes many detail photographs of the spoons and remarks by collector George Way.


Provincial Exile:

Provincial Exile: The Banishment of Roelof Josiah Eltinge from the Paltz is an essay that explores the revolutionary war era in New Paltz through the life of a suspected loyalist. While there were no battles fought in the village of New Paltz during the Revolutionary War, the fight against the British would drastically alter the life of one person. Roelof Josiah Eltinge’s troubles began in 1776, when he refused to accept Continental currency in his storefront at the house we now call Bevier-Elting. He was imprisoned throughout the war as a suspected British loyalist. The brochure features the essay, written by Collections Manager Ashley Trainor, complemented with a timeline of events, written by Archivist/Librarian Carrie Allmendinger, both which draw upon primary documents from the HHS Permanent Collection, including a diary kept by Roelof Josiah Eltinge through his imprisonment.